Brown Secure Shredding provides end to end solutions for secure document destruction
This service is useful for all companies that want to ensure secure disposal of their documents, records, balance sheets, payrolls, bank statements, promotional items etc
Our secure and certified document destruction process would help protect your company against legal action from consumers or regulators in case there is a data breach or loss of confidential documents. It would help your administration department accurately monitor the secure disposal of documents in all offices and branches and have a strong documented asset destruction chain to present to clients, audit firms or in any legal forums.
Our Process:
Inspection of documents at the storage area to determine the viability for re-pulping and per kilo cost.
Photographic evidence of loading at the storage area and unloading at the recycling/repulping unit.
Documents are recycled into new paper products.
We will provide a certificate of re-pulping from our company.
Brown Secure Shredding is totally committed to secure destruction and disposal of confidential and general documents. Our end to end solution ensures that all company documents, whether confidential or non-confidential, will be destroyed at a repulping/recycling unit and not sent to a landfill or used as food packaging. 100% of our materials are recycled into new paper products. You and your clients would be assured that sensitive information is securely destroyed in an eco-friendly manner. Contact us for further information on this service.